Thursday, August 7

Boca del Rio VBS 2008

The mission team from Restoration Life church in Sacramento brought down a really neat VBS for the kids of Boca. Rather than try to explain all the different events, I'll just post a ton of photos and you can see for yourself how much fun everyone had. Even the older boys, who usually find creative ways to cause trouble during kids' services, were well-behaved and participated! Answer to prayer!!!

Story time was led by Karen and Sarah (mainly because they knew the kids' names and could keep order while leading the story!)

What's up??? Paper airplanes!!!!

The team did skits to help reinforce the Bible lesson for the day. I was really impressed with how well the younger kids grasped the concepts!

The kids really love the singing time. Everyone got involved!

Maikol (pronounced "Michael") wasn't too sure about the tatoo that Anya was trying to put on his arm...until he saw the finished product!!!

Pastor Marc shares a flower sticker with Yamiri -- totally made her day!!!

Sterling, Islain and Kayla "hanging out" with a puzzle.

Nancy and Maikol put a puzzle together.

This isn't everyone who worked with the VBS -- far from it! These lucky folks got to judge which team could yell louder while singing "Rey de Reyes y Señor de Señores". Girls won!!! ;^)

Marina and Madai blow bubbles. Awwwwwww.

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