I could write several pages about how this mission team came together. I'm not going to. It was just a God thing. God put the idea in the heart and mind of a couple of young people to travel down here and put a roof on the upstairs of our house. Then He laid it on the heart of several people to give toward that project. Along the way, He raised up a couple of young ladies who have a heart for children and who wanted to do something special for the kids down here. They put together duffel bags full of toys and candy for the children and sent them down with the team. It was amazing, and it was something that no person could have orchestrated. It was simply a God thing.
Youth from 6 different states met in Tucson to travel down by bus. Doug and Sarah traveled up to Tucson to meet them. After a long-and-not-terribly-comfy 16 hour bus ride from Tucson, the gang arrived at our house mid-day. This is what they saw:

We told them that we had planned to take it easy the first day so that they could get rested up, but they wanted none of that. They rolled up their sleeves (actually, I think most of them put on T-shirts!) and dove in!

The girls, not to be outdone, jumped in with as much enthusiasm.

Lest you think that all they did for a week was haul concrete...there was much planning to be done...

And one must eat!

And clothes must be washed...

and cookies!!! We really must have cookies!!! Lots of cookies!!!!!

Did I mention that we had to eat? Yes, we ate a lot.

Jesus is the Key to Eternal Life!

And on their last day, everyone mounted the ladder to stand on the roof to say..

By the power of God, we did hard things for Christ!!!!!
And then they left. And that was a really hard thing.

The Coult Family, The Powell Family and our Hard Things Family
It's so refreshing to see young people serving the Lord!
That trip was such a blessing. Thanks for being such gracious hosts. I learned a whole lot about missions through the whole process. May the Lord continue uphold each and every one of you to serve Him fully. Praying that He continues to you use all to draw many to Himself and build up the local body of Christ.
God bless,
Daniel Osborne
Thanks, Daniel!!! You are in our prayers daily as well. Glad we could inspire and encourage you, but in reality we feel like we were the ones encouraged and blessed by your visit! You're welcome ANYtime!!!
Praying God's will and direction in your life from day to day and moment by moment, brother!!!
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